Thursday, September 1, 2011

{Win, Lose, or Blog Finale}

I'm not ready for these to be my "after" photos, I've still got a long ways to go!

But here are some pictures taken at the start of the competition:


Here are some more recent ones..

and side..

I lost a total of 13.6lbs in 7 weeks, but what's really exciting is that I lost 27.5 inches!
10 inches came off my waist!

Now that the competition is over I really want to keep going! So I'll be blogging much more regularly to help keep me focused and on track. If you're new here please say "hi!" And if you have a blog I'd love to come check it out. Anyway, I have lots of fun things planned so check back soon!


  1. dang thats a lot of inches!!! I can really see the difference in your pics! And 13.6 lbs gone is fabulous! Thanks for all your hard work this season :)

  2. you look great deborah! nice work!
