Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{a healthy december}

Over the last 2 weeks I've been slacking, then Thanksgiving came and it was all down hill from there. I basically threw in the towel and stopped caring. I let myself forget how badly I want to be healthy and I started to think, maybe I'm ok where I'm at for now.

And then I remembered something I often tell myself when I'm on track.

The biggest lie you can tell yourself is, 'It doesn't matter. It does.'
It matters when you eat cookies for breakfast..and lunch..and after dinner.
It matters when you drink soda (even diet) instead of water.
It matters when you don't pay attention to your food choices.
It matters when you eat too many carbs, sugar, high fat foods and not enough veggies.
It matters when you choose to sit around the house instead of working out.
It matters when you stop caring about yourself.

Each of these choices add up, they take me farther and farther away from where I want to be. And I know, I know, how mad I'll be at myself if I let December pass by in a haze of sugar cookies and diet Dr. Pepper! So I'm not going to let that happen.

I'm going to continue exercising (I did yesterday and today and it feels so good!), start eat healthier and be mindful of how I'm treating my body. Because I know those things that I sometimes tell myself don't matter, can make all the difference in the world.

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